How to Turn a Nightstand into a Chair

How to Turn a Nightstand into a Chair?

Are you looking for a unique and creative way to repurpose your old nightstand? In this DIY nightstand chair tutorial, we will show you how to transform a nightstand into a functional and stylish chair.

Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or just starting with furniture projects, this step-by-step guide will help you turn your nightstand into a one-of-a-kind seating option.

By following our detailed instructions, you’ll learn how to remove the top panel and drawers of the nightstand, cut and attach armrests, create comfortable cushions, and paint the chair to match your desired style.

With just a few basic tools and materials, you can give your old nightstand a new purpose and add a touch of personality to your home decor.

So, if you’re ready to undertake a fun and rewarding DIY project, let’s dive into the world of nightstand transformations and discover how to turn a nightstand into a chair.

Repurposing Furniture: Converting a Nightstand into a Chair

When it comes to repurposing furniture, the possibilities are endless.

One intriguing project to consider is converting a nightstand into a chair.

This transformation not only breathes new life into an old piece of furniture but also provides a unique and functional seating option.

Upcycling a nightstand into a chair allows you to repurpose an item that may have ended up in the landfill, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.

The process of converting a nightstand into a chair is relatively straightforward and requires minimal materials.

Start by removing the drawers and any additional components that aren’t necessary for the chair’s structure.

This step creates an open space that can be transformed into a comfortable seating area.

Next, consider the design and stability of the chair.

You may want to reinforce the nightstand by adding supports or additional pieces of wood to ensure it can withstand the weight and provide a sturdy seating surface.

This step is crucial for the chair’s durability and longevity.

Once the structural modifications are complete, it’s time to focus on aesthetics.

Consider painting or staining the nightstand to match your desired style.

You can also experiment with different finishes or decorative accents to add a personal touch.

To enhance comfort, add a cushion or upholstery to the seat area.

By following these steps, you can repurpose a nightstand into a unique and functional chair that adds character to your living space.

This DIY project is not only a creative way to repurpose furniture but also an opportunity to showcase your creativity and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Benefits of Converting a Nightstand into a Chair:

· Repurposes old furniture, reducing waste and promoting sustainability

· Creates a unique and functional seating option

· Allows for personalization and customization through painting, staining, and decorative accents

· Offers a cost-effective alternative to purchasing new furniture

· Provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from a DIY project

DIY Nightstand Chair Tutorial

If you’re looking for a fun DIY project, why not try transforming a nightstand into a chair? It’s a creative and cost-effective way to repurpose old furniture and create a unique seating option.

With just a few supplies and some imagination, you can turn a plain nightstand into a stylish and functional piece of furniture.

Here’s a step-by-step chair-making guide to help you get started:

1. Remove the drawers and the top

Begin by taking out the drawers and removing the top of the nightstand.

This will create the base for the seat of your chair.

1. Attach wooden dowels as legs

Next, attach wooden dowels as legs to provide support for your chair.

Use glue and screws to secure them firmly in place.

1. Add side supports for stability

To ensure stability, consider adding side supports.

These can be attached to the sides of the nightstand and will provide additional strength to your chair.

1. Attach a cushion for comfort

Add a cushion on top of the nightstand to make your chair comfortable to sit on.

You can use foam, fabric, and plywood to create a cushion base, and then cover it with a durable and easy-to-clean fabric.

With these simple steps, you can transform a nightstand into a unique and functional seating option.

Get creative with your choice of fabric, paint, and decorative accents to make it truly your own.

So why not give it a try and embark on your next DIY furniture project?

Things to Consider When Turning a Nightstand into a Chair

Transforming a nightstand into a chair is an exciting DIY project that can give new life to old furniture.

However, before you embark on this creative endeavor, there are several important considerations to keep in mind:

1. Nightstand Measurements: Before you begin the transformation, take accurate measurements of the nightstand.

This will ensure that the chair you create fits properly and is comfortable to sit on.

2. Clamping and Fastening: Use clamps when necessary during the construction process.

However, be cautious not to overtighten them, as it can cause damage to the wood.

Select appropriate nails and screws of the correct length to prevent wood damage and splitting.

3. Stability and Support: Consider adding side supports to the chair to enhance stability.

Additionally, reinforce the back of the chair with a piece of wood for added strength and durability.

4. Upholstery and Finishes: Choose a durable fabric for the upholstery that will withstand regular use.

Opt for easy-to-clean options to ensure longevity.

When painting the chair, opt for non-toxic paint options that are safe for indoor use.

5. Weight and Balance: Keep in mind the weight of the chair and avoid overloading it with excessive accessories.

It’s important to maintain the balance of the chair to ensure it remains sturdy and functional.

By considering these factors and following the steps provided in this guide, you can successfully turn a nightstand into a stylish and functional chair that adds a unique touch to your home.

Keep in mind that this project allows for personal creativity and experimentation, so don’t be afraid to add your flair to the final result.

Happy crafting!


Transforming a nightstand into a chair is an exciting DIY furniture project that offers a unique way to upcycle old furniture.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can achieve a stunning nightstand-to-chair transformation that will add both style and functionality to your living space.

Not only does repurposing old furniture save money, but it also promotes sustainability by reducing waste.

With just a few basic tools and materials, you can create a one-of-a-kind piece that reflects your taste and adds a touch of personality to your home decor.

So, why not embark on a DIY furniture project today and discover the joy of upcycling? By transforming an old nightstand into a chair, you’ll not only create a practical seating option but also contribute to a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Embrace your creativity and enjoy the satisfaction of breathing new life into forgotten pieces of furniture.


How do I turn a nightstand into a chair?

To turn a nightstand into a chair, start by removing the top of the nightstand and any drawers.

Cut the top panel down to size so it fits inside the back of the chair.

Use nails and glue to reattach any trim to the sides and back.

Attach 1×4 armrests and cut 1/4 inch plywood to use as the cushion base.

Cut foam to size and make cushions by layering fabric, foam, and plywood and stapling them together.

Paint the chair and the inside and outside of the drawers.

Finally, attach the cushions using screws through the sides.

Why should I repurpose furniture by converting a nightstand into a chair?

Repurposing furniture is a great way to give old pieces a new life.

By converting a nightstand into a chair, you can create a unique and functional piece of furniture.

Removing the drawers and transforming the top into a seat allows you to utilize the nightstand differently.

With a little creativity and some simple steps, you can upcycle your nightstand and give it a fresh purpose.

What supplies do I need for a DIY nightstand chair project?

If you’re looking for a fun DIY project, turning a nightstand into a chair is a great option.

With just a few supplies and some imagination, you can create a stylish and functional piece of furniture.

Start by removing the drawers and the top of the nightstand.

Attach wooden dowels as legs and secure them with glue and screws.

Add side supports for additional stability and attach a cushion on top for comfort.

Finish off the chair with fabric and decorative accents.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to create your unique nightstand chair.

What factors should I consider before turning a nightstand into a chair?

Before starting the project of turning a nightstand into a chair, there are some factors to consider.

Make sure to take accurate measurements of the nightstand to ensure a proper fit for the chair.

Use clamps when necessary, but be careful not to overtighten them to avoid damaging the wood.

Use appropriate nails and screws of the correct length to prevent wood damage and splitting.

Consider adding side supports for added stability and reinforce the back with a piece of wood.

Choose a durable, easy-to-clean fabric for the upholstery and use non-toxic paint options for any painting needs.

Keep in mind the weight and balance of the chair and avoid overloading it with accessories.

What are the benefits of transforming a nightstand into a chair?

Transforming a nightstand into a chair is a creative and cost-effective way to repurpose old furniture.

With some basic tools and materials, you can turn a plain nightstand into a unique and functional seating option.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a stylish and comfortable chair that adds a touch of personality to your home.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different finishes and fabrics to make it truly your own. Upcycling old furniture not only saves money but also contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.

So why not give it a try and see the difference it can make in your home decor?