How to Design a Display Board

How to Design a Display Board?

Welcome to our guide on how to design a display board! Whether you’re participating in a science fair or presenting at a school event, a well-designed display board can make a lasting impression.

In this article, we’ll provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you create an eye-catching and informative display board that effectively showcases your project.

Designing a display board may seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a fun and creative process.

By following our display board design tips, you’ll learn how to organize your information, use headings and subheadings effectively, incorporate visual elements, and create a captivating title.

We’ll also cover using proper terms and jargon specific to your project’s discipline, ensuring clarity and professionalism.

So, let’s dive in and discover how to design a display board that stands out and impresses your audience!

Understanding the Layout

When creating a display board, understanding the layout is crucial for an effective design.

Many science fairs and competitions recommend a specific layout that consists of three panels: left, middle, and right.

The left panel should include essential information such as the question or problem, purpose, hypothesis, variables, materials, and procedures.

This panel sets the foundation for the project and provides a clear introduction.

The middle panel is the focal point of the display board.

It should feature the project title, project data, graphs, charts, tables, diagrams, photos, and illustrations.

This is where you showcase your project’s findings and visual representations.

The right panel is dedicated to the analysis, results, discussion, conclusion, recommendations, future studies, and references.

This section allows you to provide a comprehensive overview of your project’s outcomes and any further implications.

By organizing your information in this manner, you can ensure that viewers can easily navigate your display board and grasp the main components of your project at a glance.

Using Headings and Subheadings

When it comes to designing an effective display board, the use of headings and subheadings is crucial.

These elements help break up large chunks of text, making it easier for viewers to navigate and understand your project.

By utilizing proper heading structure, you can emphasize key points and guide the reader through your display.

Organize Information

Headings and subheadings allow you to organize information on your display board logically and coherently.

Use clear and descriptive headings to represent the main sections of your project, and use subheadings to further break down the content.

This hierarchical structure helps viewers quickly identify the key aspects of your project and makes the information more digestible.

Enhance Readability

Using appropriate font sizes, bolding, or underlining, headings and subheadings can enhance the readability of your display board.

They create visual cues that draw attention, making it easier for viewers to skim through your project.

Additionally, consider using bullet points or numbered lists within subheadings to present information in a concise and organized manner.

Highlight Key Points

Headings and subheadings are also useful for highlighting the main points of your project.

By using attention-grabbing headings, you can draw viewers’ focus to key aspects of your work.

Subheadings can be used to summarize important findings or provide additional context.

This makes it easier for viewers to grasp the significance of your project even if they don’t have time to read every detail.

Creating a Buddy Board

When it comes to designing a display board, a creative idea to consider is creating a buddy board.

A buddy board is a smaller board that can be placed in front of or beside your main display board, adding visual interest and providing a concise overview of your project for viewers who may not have time to read the entire display board.

To create a buddy board, you can cut down a foam board to the proper size and attach a stand using tape.

This DIY approach allows you to customize the design and placement of the buddy board according to your project’s needs.

Consider using the buddy board to display a summary of your project’s main points or a striking photo showcasing your project results.

This additional element can help grab the viewer’s attention and provide them with a quick understanding of your project at a glance.

Make sure the content on your buddy board is concise, clear, and visually appealing to make it an effective addition to your overall display.

Crafting an Attention-Grabbing Title

When it comes to designing an effective display board, one of the most important elements to consider is the title.

Your title serves as the first impression for viewers, and it should be both attention-grabbing and informative.

Take the time to brainstorm creative and catchy titles that accurately represent the main idea of your project.

Consider using a thesaurus to find descriptive words that add impact to your title.

However, be sure to check the precise meaning of these words in a dictionary to ensure their accuracy.

Keep in mind that a concise and engaging title will pique viewers’ curiosity and make them want to learn more.

Key tips for crafting an attention-grabbing title:

· Be creative and unique

· Use descriptive words

· Keep it concise

· Ensure accuracy and relevance

By following these tips and putting thought into your title, you can create an eye-catching display board that captures the attention of viewers and sets the stage for an impactful presentation of your project.

Using Visual Elements

When it comes to designing a display board, incorporating visual elements can greatly enhance its impact and effectiveness.

Including pictures, graphs, tables, charts, and diagrams can make your board more visually engaging and help convey information more effectively.

Visuals can also aid in capturing the attention of viewers and making your project stand out.

Use color strategically to distinguish between different items or variables on your board.

If you don’t have access to a color printer, you can always use markers or crayons to add color to graphs and charts.

By doing so, you can create an aesthetically pleasing and visually appealing display.

Remember to label all your visuals with descriptive captions and numbers.

This will provide a clear understanding of their content and make it easier for viewers to follow along.

Including visual elements such as graphs and charts can also help present data in a more organized and comprehensive manner.

Design Principles for Display Boards:

· Choose high-resolution images and graphics that are relevant to your project.

· Create visually appealing charts and graphs to present data.

· Label all visuals with descriptive captions and numbers.

· Use color strategically to make your display board visually engaging.

· Ensure the visuals are easy to understand and enhance the overall message of your project.

Using Proper Terms and Jargon

When designing a display board for a professional setting, it’s essential to use the appropriate terms and jargon specific to your project’s discipline.

This not only demonstrates your knowledge and expertise but also helps your audience understand the technical aspects of your work.

Whether you’re participating in a science fair or presenting at a professional conference, using proper terminology adds credibility to your project.

Why Proper Terminology Matters

Using the correct terms and jargon in your display board showcases your understanding and mastery of the subject matter.

It allows professionals in your field to quickly grasp the key concepts and methodologies you’ve employed.

Additionally, by including a glossary of terms or definitions on your board or in your project report, you provide a valuable resource that aids both experts and general audiences in comprehending your work.

Simplifying for Broader Audiences

While using technical terms is important, it’s also essential to include a layman’s summary of your project.

This summary simplifies the content for audiences who may not have the same level of expertise.

By striking a balance between technical language and accessible explanations, you can effectively communicate your project to a broader audience, expanding the reach and impact of your research.


Designing a display board requires careful planning and attention to detail.

By following the guidelines and tips discussed in this article, you can create a professional and eye-catching display board for your science fair or school event.

Firstly, remember to consider the rules and regulations specific to your event or competition.

Include all required items, such as your name, grade level, teacher’s name, acknowledgments, and any other necessary information.

Additionally, create a detailed plan for your project and board, including a storyboard that outlines the layout and organization.

To make your display board more engaging, use headings and subheadings to break up text and make it easier to read.

Consider incorporating a buddy board, a smaller board that provides a summary or photo of your project.

This additional element will add visual interest and provide a concise overview for viewers.

An attention-grabbing title is essential to draw viewers in and pique their interest.

Be creative and choose a catchy title that accurately represents your project.

Lastly, don’t forget to incorporate visual elements, such as pictures, graphs, tables, charts, and diagrams, to enhance the impact of your display board and convey information effectively.

By following these design principles and incorporating creative ideas, your display board will stand out among the competition and effectively showcase your project.

Good luck!


What information should I include on my display board?

Make sure to include your name, grade level, teacher’s name, acknowledgments, and any other necessary information specific to your event or competition.

How should I plan the layout of my display board?

Organize your board into three panels: left, middle, and right.

The left panel should include the question or problem, purpose, hypothesis, variables, materials, and procedures.

The middle panel should contain the title, project data, graphs, charts, tables, diagrams, photos, and illustrations.

The right panel should include the analysis, results, discussion, conclusion, recommendations, future studies, and references.

How can I make my display board easier to read?

Use headings and subheadings to break up the text, choose a font size of at least 16 pt, use bold fonts for headings and subheadings, write information in lists or point form, and use colors, underline, or bolding to make important elements stand out.

What is a buddy board and how do I create one?

A buddy board is a smaller board that can be placed in front of or beside your main display board.

It can be used to display a summary of your project or a photo showing project results.

To create a buddy board, cut down a foam board to the proper size and attach a stand using tape.

How can I come up with an attention-grabbing title?

Be creative and use a thesaurus to find descriptive words that accurately represent your project.

Keep the title concise and use a catchy phrase that sparks interest.

How can visual elements enhance my display board?

Include pictures, graphs, tables, charts, and diagrams to make your board more visually engaging.

Use color to distinguish between different items or variables, and label all visuals with descriptive captions and numbers.

Why is using proper terms and jargon important?

Using the correct terminology specific to your project’s discipline shows professionalism.

Consider including a glossary of terms and a layman’s summary to help viewers understand the technical aspects of your project.

How should I approach designing my display board?

Consider the rules and regulations of your event, create a detailed plan, use headings and subheadings, consider a buddy board, choose an attention-grabbing title, incorporate visual elements, use proper terms and jargon, and keep the design uncluttered and balanced.