December Crafts for Adults

5 December Crafts for Adults

The holiday season is often synonymous with a flurry of activities, family gatherings, and festive cheer.

But it’s also a time ripe for creativity and personal expression.

Between the hustle of holiday shopping and event planning, taking a moment for crafting can be both a therapeutic and rewarding endeavor. 

Crafting isn’t just for children; adults can benefit greatly from the relaxationsense of accomplishment, and joy of creating something beautiful with their own hands.

Moreover, crafting can be a vessel for mindfulness, and a way to unplug from the digital world for a while.

This article is crafted to inspire and guide you through five December crafts that are perfect for adults looking to add a personal touch to their holiday season.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced crafter, these projects will stimulate your creativity and maybe even start a new holiday tradition.

Let’s explore the cozy realm of DIY Scented Candles, Handmade Wreaths, Festive Centerpieces, Embroidered Ornaments, and Holiday Potpourri.

These are not just crafts, but creations that can brighten your home or become cherished gifts.

5 December Crafts for Adults

DIY Scented Candles

Selecting the Right Materials

To begin your foray into the art of candle making, you’ll need to choose high-quality materials.

Look for natural waxes like soy or beeswax, which burn cleanly and hold scents well.

You’ll also need wicks, which should be the right size for your chosen candle container.

Metal centers can help keep the wick upright as the wax melts.

And when it comes to containers, the options are vast – glass jars, teacups, or any heat-resistant vessel can host your candle creation.

Step-by-Step Candle Making Process

Candlemaking is a blend of science and art, and precision is key.

Begin by measuring your wax before melting it slowly over low heat.

Monitor the temperature carefully, aiming for about 180 degrees Fahrenheit – hot enough to melt the wax but not so hot as to ruin the fragrance or cause a safety risk.

Once the wax is melted, attach the wick to the bottom of your container.

You can use a bit of melted wax to secure it in place or special stickers designed for this purpose.

Then, carefully pour the melted wax into the container, ensuring the wick stays centered.

Adding Scents and Colors

This is where you can customize your candles to your preference.

Introduce essential oils or fragrance oils to the melted wax to create your desired scent.

Use 10 drops of oil per ounce of wax for a moderately scented candle, or adjust to your liking.

You can also infuse color into your candles by adding special candle dyes or a touch of crayon shavings while the wax is melting.

Be mindful to add these elements after removing the wax from the heat source to preserve the integrity of the scents and colors.

Safety Precautions

Working with hot wax requires attentiveness and care.

Always use a heat-resistant container to melt the wax, and never leave it unattended on the stove.

Additionally, be conscious of the surfaces you work on; protect them from potential spills with newspaper or a drop cloth.

Lastly, when burning your homemade candles, keep them away from flammable objects and never leave a lit candle unattended.

Packaging and Gifting the Candles

Turn your candles into gifts by adding a personal touch with packaging.

Use ribbons, or handmade tags, or decorate the containers themselves.

Ensure the candles are completely cooled and the wax is set before wrapping them.

A customized, hand-crafted candle is not just a delightful gift but also an intimate gesture that shows thought and care.

Handmade Wreath

Gathering Wreath-Making Supplies

Before starting on your wreath, it’s essential to gather your materials.

You’ll need a base such as a wire frame, grapevine, or foam depending on the style you’re going for.

Additionally, you’ll want to collect various greenery, floral elements, and any other decorative items you wish to incorporate, like ribbons, baubles, or pine cones.

Choosing a Design or Theme

When it comes to wreaths, the design possibilities are endless—and wholly reflective of your style.

You might opt for a traditional look with evergreens and red ribbons, or venture into something more modern with succulents and geometric shapes.

Decide on a cohesive theme or color scheme to guide your choices in decorations.

Assembling the Wreath

Start by preparing your base, securing your greenery and other elements with floral wire or hot glue as needed.

Work your way around the wreath, balancing the composition and ensuring full coverage.

The assembly process is methodical and soothing, as you slowly see your design come to life.

Personalizing with Decorations

The true beauty of a handmade wreath lies in its customization.

Attach your chosen decorations securely, interspersing them as you see fit.

Small accents like cinnamon sticks, dried oranges, or sprigs of berries can add an unexpected and delightful touch.

Displaying the Finished Wreath

Once complete, find the perfect spot to display your wreath.

Whether it hangs on your front door or above your mantelpiece, it will serve as a personal testament to your creativity and the festive spirit of your home.

Your finished wreath will greet guests and set the tone for the holiday atmosphere within.

Festive Centerpiece

Essential Materials for the Centerpiece

Creating a festive centerpiece is all about selecting items that collectively create a strong visual impact.

Start with a sturdy base—anything from a wooden plank to an elegant tray.

Choose an assortment of decorative elements like candles, baubles, fresh or faux greenery, and any other items that reflect the holiday vibe.

Design and Assembly Tips

The key to an appealing centerpiece is balance and texture.

Play with different heights and depths by layering your materials.

Integrate natural elements like pine branches or holly to bring a touch of nature indoors.

Keep the design focused by ensuring one element acts as the central focal point, be it a large candle, a floral arrangement, or an intricate decoration.

Adding Lights or Candles

Incorporating light into your centerpiece can instantly elevate the ambiance of your dining table or space.

Choose from traditional wax candles, LED string lights, or battery-operated candles for a safer alternative.

If using real candles, ensure they are well-anchored and positioned away from flammable materials.

Maintenance and Longevity

If your centerpiece includes fresh elements, make sure to keep them watered or misted to extend their freshness.

For centerpieces that you’d like to last beyond the season, select high-quality faux greenery and store the arrangement carefully post-holidays to maintain its beauty for future use.

Adapting the Centerpiece for Different Occasions

Your masterpiece doesn’t have to be a one-holiday wonder.

With small tweaks, a well-designed centerpiece can transition into other celebrations or decorations throughout the year.

Swap out certain elements to match different seasons or occasions, extending the life and versatility of your creation.

Embroidered Ornaments

Selecting Embroidery Materials

Quality materials make for lasting embroidered ornaments.

Choose a sturdy fabric like linen or canvas as your base and secure it in an embroidery hoop.

Gather embroidery thread in colors that complement your holiday palette and opt for a variety of needle sizes suitable for your fabric and design complexity.

Choosing Ornament Designs

Your design can be as simple or intricate as you desire.

Patterns range from snowflakes and stars to more elaborate holiday scenes.

Transfer your chosen design onto your fabric using tracing paper or a fabric pen that can be easily removed after your work is complete.

Embroidery Techniques

Familiarize yourself with basic stitches such as the backstitch, satin stitch, and French knots.

These will form the foundation of your embroidery work.

Approach the process patiently, enjoying the rhythm of needlework and the progression of your ornament.

Adding Final Touches

Give your ornament a clean, finished edge with fabric glue or by sewing it onto a backing.

Add ribbons for hanging and consider attaching small beads or sequins for an additional sparkly effect.

Remember, even the imperfections add character to your handiwork!

Using the Ornaments for Decor or Gifting

Embroidered ornaments can adorn your tree, be hung in windows, or be strung along a mantelpiece as unique garlands.

Presenting them as gifts can also offer a memorable and personalized touch, showing the recipient the love and time you’ve invested into their holiday cheer.

Holiday Potpourri

Gathering Potpourri Ingredients

Select natural elements like dried orange slices, cinnamon sticks, pine cones, and whole cloves as the base of your potpourri mix.

Consider the inclusion of dried flowers, such as roses or lavender, for added color and texture.

Blending and Scenting the Potpourri

Combining your elements in an appealing mix is an art in itself.

Add a few drops of essential oils to intensify the fragrance, choosing scents like pine, orange, or cinnamon to evoke a holiday feel.

Toss your ingredients gently, ensuring an even distribution of scent.

Choosing Containers or Sachets

Your potpourri can be displayed in clear glass bowls or jars, allowing the colors and textures to serve as decor.

Alternatively, package the scented mix in fabric sachets for a subtler presence or gifting purposes.

Using the Potpourri in Different Ways

Potpourri is versatile and can be used to scent drawers, act as a natural air freshener, or even simmered in water to infuse your home with warm, welcoming aromas.

Refreshing and Reusing the Potpourri

Over time, the fragrance may wane, but a few additional drops of oil can rejuvenate your potpourri.

With proper care, you can enjoy its scent throughout the holiday season and beyond.


Crafting during the festive season offers a special kind of joy and accomplishment.

The five crafts discussed serve not only as a means to beautify your living space but also as a chance to unwind, express creativity, and engage in mindfulness.

Whether these crafts are for your enjoyment or meant as thoughtful gifts, the investment of your time and talent will surely be felt.

Let these crafts be a gentle encouragement for adults to explore the possibilities of crafting.

The importance of creativity cannot be overstated; it’s essential for self-care, personal growth, and simply for the pleasure of making something beautiful.

Share the finished products with friends and family, and invite them into the warmth and wonder that is crafting.

As we wrap up, take a moment to reflect on your experience with these December crafts.

Carry forward the holiday spirit, the inspiration you’ve gained, and the sense of fulfillment these projects have provided.

Crafting is not just a seasonal pastime; it is a celebration of the imagination and the hands that bring it to life.