January Crafts for Toddlers

5 January Crafts for Toddlers

When the chilly winds of January sweep through, keeping toddlers entertained indoors becomes a top priority for many parents.

Engaging your little ones with DIY winter crafts is a wonderful way to keep their minds active and their hands busy during these colder months.

These activities are not only fun, but they harness the creative potential of your child while fostering fine motor skills and sensory development.

In this article, we’ll dive into five heartwarming and simple crafts that you can enjoy with your toddler, creating memories and adorable art pieces along the way.

The beauty of these January crafts lies in their simplicity and the fact that they are perfect for little hands to manipulate.

We’ll explore how to construct a fluffy Cotton Ball Snowman, create a magical Paper Plate Snow Globe, design a charming Handprint Penguin, craft a delicate Tissue Paper Snowflake, and assemble a captivating Winter Sensory Bottle.

Each project is laden with opportunities for customization, making every creation as unique as your child’s imagination.

So, let’s roll up our sleeves, gather some basic supplies, and get ready to usher in a wave of creativity and joy with these delightful January crafts for toddlers.

Cotton Ball Snowman

Overview of the Craft

The Cotton Ball Snowman is a quintessential winter-themed craft that is soft to the touch and easy to make.

This adorable three-dimensional snowman brings the winter wonderland indoors and can be personalized in countless ways.

Materials Needed

· Cotton balls

· Construction paper (preferably white, black, and orange)

· Glue

· Scissors

· Optional decorative items (fabric scraps, buttons, ribbons)

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Start by spreading out the construction paper on a flat surface to create your crafting area.

2. Assist your toddler in gluing cotton balls onto a white piece of construction paper to form three stacked circles resembling a traditional snowman.

3. Cut out a hat and scarf using fabric scraps or colored construction paper.

Involve your little one in choosing the colors and textures.

4. Glue on a hat and a scarf for your snowman to keep it warm.

5. Use black paper to cut out small circles for the eyes, mouth, and buttons.

An orange triangle will make a perfect carrot nose.

6. Finally, glue all the features onto your snowman, placing eyes, a smiling mouth, buttons down the front, and a carrot nose.

Tips for Customization

Make your snowman stand out by allowing your toddler to add their personal touch.

Perhaps they’d like to draw a background scene or use buttons for the eyes and mouth instead of paper.

Encouraging your child to make choices about their snowman’s appearance not only enhances the activity but also gives them a start at making decisions and expressing individuality.

Benefits of Making a Cotton Ball Snowman

Creating a Cotton Ball Snowman is a great way to introduce toddlers to textures and to the concept of following steps to achieve a goal.

The picking and gluing of cotton balls also help in developing fine motor skills.

Every snowman will have its personality, and each will be a proud display of your toddler’s handy work.

Paper Plate Snow Globe

Overview of the Craft

A Paper Plate Snow Globe is a magical, encapsulated winter scene that your toddler can shake to make the faux snow dance around.

It is a delightful twist on the classic snow globe, utilizing materials you probably have lying around the house.

Materials Needed

· Paper plates

· Clear plastic sheet or a recycled clear plastic bag

· Glue and tape

· White paint or markers

· Glitter and small craft pom-poms

· Construction paper (various colors for the scene)

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Invite your toddler to paint or color one side of the paper plate blue to represent the snow globe’s background.

2. While the paint dries, help them cut out figures from the construction paper—think snowman shapes, trees, or animals.

3. Glue the figures onto the painted area of the paper plate.

Your little one will love placing their characters in their snowy world.

4. Cut the clear plastic to size and secure it to the plate using glue or tape, creating a “dome” over the wintery scene.

5. Shake some glitter or craft pom-poms onto the plate before you seal it with another paper plate on top.

These will act as the “snow” in your snow globe.

6. Tape around the edges to secure both plates together, making sure the “snow” is sealed inside.

Tips for Customization

Let your toddler’s imagination guide the creation of their Paper Plate Snow Globe.

They might want to incorporate stickers, or perhaps they have a favorite animal they’d like to include inside the globe.

Consider using a mix of different glitters or adding tiny beads for extra sparkle and sound when you shake it.

Benefits of Making a Paper Plate Snow Globe

This craft encourages creativity and understanding of spatial relationships as your toddler decides where to place items in their snow globe.

It’s a sensory-rich activity, where the sight of the “snowfall” and the sound of the contents shaking can be immensely satisfying and calming for young ones.

Handprint Penguin

Overview of the Craft

Turn those tiny hands into adorable Antarctic creatures with the Handprint Penguin craft.

This project captures the essence of January’s cold while celebrating your child’s growing handprint in the cutest way possible.

Materials Needed

· Black, white, and orange construction paper

· Child-safe washable paint

· Paintbrush

· Glue

· Googly eyes (optional)

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Begin by painting your toddler’s hand with black washable paint, except for the middle where the penguin’s white belly will be.

2. Press their painted hand onto a sheet of paper to create the penguin’s body and wings.

3. Once the handprint has dried, cut out a penguin shape, rounding off the fingers to form the head and wings.

4. Use the white paper to cut a small oval for the belly and glue it in the center of the handprint.

5. Cut out feet and a beak from the orange paper and glue them in place.

6. Add optional googly eyes or cut-out eyes from paper for the final touch.

Tips for Customization

The Handprint Penguin craft can become a yearly tradition, tracking the growth of your child’s handprint.

To add more character, create a bowtie, hat, or earmuffs from scraps of fabric or paper.

The penguin could also be placed in a scene or turned into a greeting card to share with loved ones.

Benefits of Making a Handprint Penguin

This tactile experience is soothing for many toddlers and allows them to see a part of themselves—literally—in the art they make.

Handprint art also serves as a precious keepsake, capturing a moment in time as your child grows.

Tissue Paper Snowflake

Overview of the Craft

Embrace the individuality of snowflakes with this Tissue Paper Snowflake craft.

Each creation will be as unique as the real thing, offering a wonderful opportunity for toddlers to practice their cutting and gluing skills.

Materials Needed

· Tissue paper (light blue, white, or silver are great choices)

· Scissors (safety scissors for toddlers)

· White paper

· Glue

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Cut the tissue paper into squares, and then fold the squares in half diagonally multiple times to create a triangle.

2. Guide your toddler in snipping small shapes along the edges of the folded triangle—circles, squares, or diagonal lines work well.

3. Carefully, unfold the tissue to reveal your unique snowflake pattern.

4. Repeat the process to create several snowflakes of different sizes and patterns.

5. Glue the snowflakes onto white paper, overlapping some for depth and visual interest.

Tips for Customization

Tissue Paper Snowflakes can be personalized with alternating colors or by adding additional embellishments like glitter, sequins, or a sprinkle of faux snow.

You could also string them together to create a delicate winter garland or window display.

Benefits of Making a Tissue Paper Snowflake

This craft will give your toddler a basic understanding of symmetry and geometry.

The tissue paper is forgiving for little hands learning to use scissors, making it a great craft to promote hand-eye coordination and control.

Winter Sensory Bottle

Overview of the Craft

A Winter Sensory Bottle is a mesmerizing and calming craft that toddlers can use as a homemade toy to enjoy throughout the season.

It’s like capturing the magic of a snow globe in a bottle they can hold and explore.

Materials Needed

· Clear plastic bottles (water bottles work well)

· Water

· Glitter or sequins

· Glycerin or baby oil (optional)

· Super glue (for sealing the bottle)

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Fill the plastic bottle three-quarters full with water.

2. Invite your toddler to choose and pour glitter or sequins into the bottle.

Be generous for a more captivating effect.

3. Add a few drops of glycerin or baby oil to the water.

This will cause the glitter to fall more slowly, enhancing the snow-falling sensation.

4. Secure the bottle’s lid tightly.

You might want to apply super glue around the edge to ensure it doesn’t come off during play.

Remember to keep superglue out of reach of children.

5. Shake the bottle to watch the swirling winter storm within.

Tips for Customization

Adding blue food coloring can give the illusion of a winter sky, while small floating objects like foam snowflakes can add interest.

Your child might also enjoy using a particular color of glitter to reflect their preferences.

Benefits of Making a Winter Sensory Bottle

Sensory bottles can be highly beneficial for toddlers who are developing their sensory processing skills.

Watching the glitter swirl and settle can have a soothing effect, making the sensory bottle a handy tool for calming down or focusing.


Exploring these five January crafts for toddlers offers a delightful blend of creative expressionskill development, and seasonal fun.

From creating a snowy friend with cotton balls to shaking a homemade winter wonderland, these activities are ripe with opportunities for learning and bonding.

The process of making DIY winter crafts not only fills the time with joyous activity but also nurtures your toddler’s growing abilities and imagination.

As you watch your little one proudly present their handmade treasures, you’ll appreciate the magic that these simple crafts bring to the chilly days of January.

So, why not harness the creativity of the season and set aside some time to craft these wonderful creations with your child? You’re bound to find fun, laughter, and maybe a bit of glitter along the way – and the memories you make will be just as precious as the crafts you create together.