January Crafts for Infants

5 January Crafts for Infants

The chilly month of January invites us to indulge in cozy indoor activities.

When it comes to infants, crafting can be more than just a fun pastime—it can play a significant role in their development. DIY winter crafts are not just about splashing colors or gluing things together; they stimulate an infant’s senses and encourage the exploration of textures, patterns, and shapes.

Creative activities, particularly crafts, offer tremendous benefits for the little ones.

They can enhance motor skills, foster creativity, and provide an excellent opportunity for bonding with parents.

Moreover, such safe, tactile experiences can be incredibly soothing for infants who are trying to make sense of the world around them.

In this article, we will delve into five delightful and easy-to-make January crafts specifically designed for infants.

Each craft is aimed at creating a wonderful sensory experience for your baby, while also resulting in cute keepsakes that you can cherish.

With a bit of preparation and some simple materials, you can set up these crafts and ensure some quality, interactive playtime with your infant.

Sensory Snow Bag

Winter is synonymous with snow, but for infants who are not ready to play outside in the cold, a sensory snow bag offers a wonderful alternative.

Overview of the craft

Creating a sensory snow bag is all about giving your baby a safe, mess-free way to experience the wonder of snow.

This craft is designed to stimulate touch and sight, and can also aid in cognitive development.

Materials needed

To make a sensory snow bag, you will need the following items:

· A large, clear zip-lock bag

· Hair gel or baby oil

· White foam or plastic snowflakes

· Glitter and sequins (optional)

· Duct tape

Step-by-step instructions

1. Start by filling the zip-lock bag with hair gel or baby oil.

You don’t want to fill it; just enough to allow the snowflakes to move around.

2. Next, add the white foam or plastic snowflakes inside the bag.

You can also add glitter and sequins for extra sparkle.

3. Carefully remove any excess air from the bag and seal it tightly.

4. To ensure that the bag is leak-proof and baby-safe, use duct tape to secure the edges.

5. Finally, place the bag on a flat surface and let your baby press and squish it to see the snowflakes move around.

Tips for customization

Feel free to get creative by adding extra items to the sensory bag.

Blue food coloring can give a wintry feel, while small laminated pictures of winter animals can turn it into a mini discovery zone.

Benefits of making a sensory snow bag

This sensory snow bag provides a cool visual experience and is excellent for sensory exploration.

It can help infants develop focus and hand-eye coordination as they push the snowflakes through the gel.

Plus, it’s a clean and safe way to enjoy a bit of winter indoors!

Footprint Snowman

Bring together the joy of winter and cherished moments with your baby through a footprint snowman craft.

Overview of the craft

With just a few materials and a little bit of creativity, you can transform your baby’s footprint into an adorable snowman keepsake.

Materials needed

For the footprint snowman, gather:

· Blue construction paper or cardstock

· Non-toxic white paint

· A paintbrush or sponge

· Markers or colored pencils

· Baby wipes for cleanup

Step-by-step instructions

1. Begin by painting your baby’s foot with non-toxic white paint.

2. Carefully press the painted foot onto the blue construction paper.

3. Once the footprint is dry, it’s time to transform it into a snowman by adding eyes, a carrot nose, a scarf, and buttons using markers or colored pencils.

4. To complete the snowman, draw arms and a wintery scene if you wish.

Tips for customization

Add your baby’s name and the date to make it a memorable keepsake.

You can also glam it up with glitter glue or use ribbon for the scarf to create different textures.

Benefits of making a footprint snowman

Apart from capturing your infant’s tiny footprint, this craft helps in sensory development and can also be a great addition to your winter decorations.

The contrast between the white paint and the blue paper is visually stimulating for young infants.

Tissue Paper Snowflake

Tissue paper snowflakes are not just for older kids; infants can play a part in making them too!

Overview of the craft

This is a gentle activity that allows infants to experience textures and contribute to creating something beautiful.

Materials needed

Here’s what you’ll need for tissue paper snowflakes:

· White tissue paper

· Scissors

· A stapler

Step-by-step instructions

1. Lay out a couple of sheets of white tissue paper.

2. With the baby safely on your lap, let them crumple the tissue paper into balls.

This is where they get involved by using their sense of touch.

3. Flatten out the crumpled tissue paper and fold it into a triangle.

4. Carefully cut designs into the triangle – you can keep it simple with just a few snips.

5. Staple the center of the snowflake and gently unfold the tissue paper to reveal your snowflake.

Tips for customization

Use different shades of blue tissue paper for a colorful twist or add a sprinkling of glitter for some sparkle.

You can also attach multiple snowflakes for a more impressive display.

Benefits of making a tissue paper snowflake

The crumpling of paper is a wonderful exercise for little hands and helps with their fine motor skill development.

The finished snowflakes can also be used for visual stimulation as they flutter gently when hung up.

Winter Sensory Bottle

Create a magical winter wonderland in a bottle that will fascinate your baby and provide a calming effect.

Overview of the craft

Sensory bottles are a popular tool for babies and toddlers as they provide a safe and contained way to explore items they wouldn’t normally be able to touch.

Materials needed

For this craft, you will need:

· A clear plastic bottle with a secure lid

· Water

· Glycerin or clear glue (optional)

· Glitter

· Small winter-themed items like plastic snowflakes or beads

Step-by-step instructions

1. Fill the plastic bottle halfway with water.

2. Add a few drops of glycerin or a squirt of clear glue to the water.

This will help slow down the falling glitter.

3. Pour in the glitter and your winter-themed items.

4. Top off the bottle with more water, leaving a little bit of space to allow the contents to move.

5. Secure the lid tightly, you can also tape or glue it shut for extra security.

6. Shake the bottle and let your baby roll, shake, and explore.

Tips for customization

Consider adding items of different shapes and sizes to create more interest, such as pompoms or foil confetti.

You can also use food coloring to tint the water for an icy effect.

Benefits of making a winter sensory bottle

This craft is entertaining for infants and has a soothing effect that can help with self-regulation.

The floating items inside the bottle encourage tracking and can aid in visual development.

Handprint Penguin Craft

Create an adorable penguin using your baby’s handprint as a lasting reminder of their tiny hands.

Overview of the craft

Turning a handprint into a penguin is a fun and easy craft that makes for a great winter-themed keepsake.

Materials needed

To start with the penguin craft, you will need:

· Black and orange construction paper

· White and blue paint

· Googly eyes (optional)

Step-by-step instructions

1. Paint your baby’s hand white and press it onto the black construction paper.

2. Once the handprint is dry, use the blue paint to create a snowy background if you like.

3. Cut a beak and feet from the orange construction paper and adhere them to the handprint.

4. Add googly eyes or paint on eyes to bring your penguin to life.

Tips for customization

Personalize your penguin by adding a bow or a hat.

You can go one step further by putting the date on the craft and making a new handprint penguin each year to see how much your baby grows.

Benefits of making a handprint penguin craft

This engaging activity works on sensory stimulation and fine motor skills.

Plus, it’s a charming way to document your child’s growth during the winter season.


These five January crafts for infants not only provide a wealth of developmental benefits but are also a perfect way to spend quality time with your little one. DIY winter crafts can aid in fine motor skill development, and sensory exploration, and create lasting memories.

The crafts we’ve presented are simple, inexpensive, and offer a variety of sensory experiences.

From the touch of a squishy sensory snow bag to the visual appeal of a shimmering winter sensory bottle, each craft is tailored to spark joy and curiosity in infants.

So why not give these craft ideas a try? They’re an excellent way to keep your infant engaged and entertained, all the while creating beautiful keepsakes of these precious early months. 

Craft time is a warm and wonderful way to engage with your little one, helping to brighten the cold January days with fun and laughter.