How to Glaze Paper Beads

How to Glaze Paper Beads?

Welcome to our guide on how to glaze paper beads! Glazing paper beads is a crucial step in making them strong, water-resistant, and visually appealing.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of glazing paper beads, including the materials you’ll need and the steps to achieve a glossy finish.

Let’s dive in and discover the art of glazing paper beads together!

Before we begin, it’s important to understand why glazing paper beads is beneficial.

Glazing makes the beads water-resistant, ensuring their durability and suitability for everyday wear.

Additionally, it adds shine and enhances the overall appearance of the beads.

So, if you’re ready to take your paper bead creations to the next level, let’s get started with the glazing process!

Why Glaze Paper Beads?

Glazing paper beads offer numerous benefits and reasons why you should include this step in your crafting process.

Firstly, glazing makes paper beads water-resistant, ensuring they can withstand everyday wear without losing their shape or color.

This is especially important if you plan to create jewelry pieces that may come into contact with water, such as necklaces or bracelets.

Secondly, glazing adds a beautiful shine to paper beads, enhancing their visual appeal.

The glossy finish gives the beads a polished and professional look, making them stand out in any piece of jewelry you create.

Whether you’re making earrings or a statement necklace, glazed paper beads will catch the light and draw attention.

Lastly, glazing paper beads increases their durability and protects them from damage.

The glaze acts as a protective barrier, preventing the beads from fraying or becoming brittle over time.

This means that your paper bead jewelry will last longer and can be enjoyed for years to come.

The Benefits of Glazing Paper Beads:

To recap, glazing paper beads offers the following benefits:

· Water resistance for everyday wear

· Enhanced visual appeal with a glossy finish

· Increased durability and protection from damage

With these benefits in mind, it’s clear why glazing paper beads is a crucial step in creating high-quality and long-lasting jewelry pieces.

So, let’s dive into the materials and process of glazing paper beads in the next sections.

Materials Needed for Glazing Paper Beads

When it comes to glazing paper beads, having the right materials is key to achieving the desired results.

Here are the essential supplies you’ll need for glazing paper beads:

1. Mod Podge (preferably Super Gloss – Brilliant)

Mod Podge is a popular adhesive and sealer that works perfectly for glazing paper beads.

The Super Gloss – Brilliant variant provides a high-shine finish, making your beads look even more vibrant and polished.

1. Empty Shoe Box

An empty shoe box will serve as your glazing area.

It provides a contained space where you can hang your paper beads to dry without any clutter.

Make sure to punch small holes along the breadth of the shoe box to insert the toothpicks.

1. Toothpicks

Toothpicks are used to suspend the paper beads in the shoe box during the drying process.

Insert them into the holes you’ve made in the shoe box, ensuring that the corresponding holes on both sides align with each other.

1. Pointed Metal Rod

A pointed metal rod is necessary for creating the holes in the shoe box.

It helps you punch the holes precisely and allows for easy insertion of the toothpicks.

1. Thick Paint Brush

A thick paintbrush is handy for applying the Mod Podge onto the paper beads.

It ensures even coverage and helps you achieve a smooth finish.

1. Water

Water is added to the Mod Podge to create a glazing mixture.

It thins out the Mod Podge for easier application and helps the beads dry with a glossy sheen.

1. Empty Plastic Bowl with a Wide Mouth

An empty plastic bowl with a wide mouth is used to hold the glazing mixture.

It provides a convenient container for dipping the paper beads and ensures that the Mod Podge is easily accessible during the glazing process.

1. Paper Beads Threaded on Fishing Lines

Of course, you’ll need the paper beads themselves! Thread them onto fishing lines, making sure they are secure and ready for glazing.

The fishing lines allow for easy dipping and drying of the beads.

With these materials in hand, you’re now ready to embark on your glazing journey and create stunning paper bead jewelry that shines with a glossy finish!

Preparing the Box for Glazing

Before you begin glazing your paper beads, it’s important to set up a proper glazing area and prepare the box where you will hang the beads to dry.

This ensures that the glazing process goes smoothly and allows the beads to dry evenly.

Gather Your Materials

To prepare the box, you will need a shoe box, a pointed metal rod, toothpicks, and a hammer or any tool that can punch small holes.

First, take the shoe box and use the pointed metal rod to punch small holes along the breadth of the box.

These holes will serve as the holders for the toothpicks.

Insert the Toothpicks

Next, take the toothpicks and insert them into the holes you have punched.

Make sure that the corresponding holes on both sides of the box align with each other.

The toothpicks will act as the support for the paper bead strings while they dry.

By preparing the box in this way, you create a hanging system that allows the beads to dry without touching anything, ensuring a smooth and even drying process.

This also helps to prevent the beads from sticking together.

Glazing Process for Paper Beads

Glazing paper beads are a simple process that adds durability and a glossy finish to your creations.

To start, you will need to make a Mod Podge mixture by combining Mod Podge (preferably Gloss Lustre) with water.

This mixture will act as the glaze for your paper beads.

Once you have your Mod Podge mixture ready, take the loops tied to the ends of each beaded string and dip them into the glaze.

Make sure to fully immerse the beads and allow the excess glaze to drip off.

To dry the beads, hang them on the toothpicks inserted in the prepared shoebox, spacing them out to prevent sticking.

It is important to let the beads dry for several hours, preferably overnight, to ensure they are fully hardened and ready for use.

During this time, the glaze will dry and create a protective barrier on the beads, making them water-resistant and more durable.

Additional Coats for Extra Shine

If you desire a shinier finish, you can choose to apply multiple coats of glaze to your paper beads.

Simply repeat the dipping process, allowing each coat to dry before applying the next one.

This step is optional but can enhance the overall appearance and longevity of your paper beads.

By following these steps, you can easily glaze your paper beads and transform them into beautiful, water-resistant jewelry pieces.

The glaze will not only protect the beads but also add a glossy finish, making them more attractive.

So go ahead and explore the glazing process for your paper beads, and enjoy the satisfaction of creating stunning works of art.

Applying Multiple Coats of Glaze

Adding multiple coats of glaze to your paper beads can enhance their shine and durability.

After the initial coat of Mod Podge, you have the option to apply additional layers of glaze for a more polished and professional-looking finish.

This process involves repeating the dipping and drying steps with each coat.

To apply another coat of glaze, simply dip the beaded strings into the Mod Podge mixture again, making sure to cover them evenly.

Allow any excess glaze to drip off before hanging the beads to dry.

It’s important to let each layer dry completely before applying the next one to avoid any smudging or clumping.

By adding multiple coats of glaze, you can achieve a more vibrant and glossy appearance for your paper beads.

Each layer adds depth and enhances the colors, giving your jewelry a beautiful and eye-catching finish.

Remember to take your time and be patient during the drying process to ensure the best results.

Using Polycrylic for Glazing

If you’re looking for an alternative glaze for your paper beads, consider using Minwax Polycrylic water-based clear gloss.

This product provides a different finish and may offer added protection compared to Mod Podge.

Experimenting with different glazes can help you achieve the desired result for your paper bead jewelry.

Polycrylic is applied similarly to Mod Podge.

After stringing your paper beads on fishing lines, prepare the Polycrylic mixture by following the instructions on the product label.

Next, carefully dip each string of beads into the Polycrylic mixture, ensuring even coverage.

Allow the excess glaze to drip off before hanging the beads to dry in the prepared box.

Remember to space out the beads on the toothpicks to prevent them from sticking together.

Let the glazed paper beads dry for several hours or overnight.

It’s important to note that the drying time may vary depending on the temperature and humidity of your environment.

Once the beads are completely dry, they will have a glossy finish and increased durability.

You can now showcase your glazed paper beads by incorporating them into various jewelry designs, such as bracelets, necklaces, or earrings.

Using Polycrylic as a glaze for paper beads offers an alternative option to Mod Podge, allowing you to explore different finishes and levels of protection.

By experimenting with different glazes and techniques, you can create unique and beautiful paper bead jewelry that reflects your style.

Tips for Glazing Paper Beads

When it comes to glazing paper beads, there are a few tips and best practices to keep in mind to ensure optimal results.

These simple techniques will help you achieve a professional-looking finish and enhance the durability of your beads.

1. Dip One String at a Time

When glazing your paper beads, it’s important to dip one string at a time.

This ensures that each bead receives an even coverage of the glaze.

By focusing on one string at a time, you can control the application and prevent any excess glaze from pooling or clumping on the beads.

1. Allow Excess Glaze to Drip Off

After dipping the strings into the glaze mixture, allow the excess to drip off before hanging the beads to dry.

This helps to prevent any uneven spots or build-up of glaze on the beads.

It also ensures a smooth and glossy finish once the beads are fully dried.

1. Space Out the Beads on Toothpicks

While hanging the beads to dry, make sure to space them out on the toothpicks.

This prevents the beads from sticking together and allows for proper airflow during the drying process.

Spacing out the beads ensures that they maintain their shape and don’t become misshapen or distorted while drying.

1. Work in a Well-Ventilated Area and Wear Gloves

When glazing paper beads, it’s important to work in a well-ventilated area to ensure proper air circulation.

This helps to minimize any fumes or odors from the glaze.

Additionally, wearing gloves can protect your hands from any potential irritation or stickiness that may occur during the glazing process.

By following these tips and best practices, you can create beautifully glazed paper beads that are durable, shiny, and water-resistant.

These techniques will help you achieve professional-looking results and ensure that your paper bead jewelry stands the test of time.

Letting the Beads Dry and Cure

After glazing paper beads, it is crucial to allow them to dry and cure completely.

This process ensures that the beads harden and become ready for use.

While the drying time may vary depending on factors such as humidity and the type of glaze used, it is generally recommended to wait at least 24 hours before handling or wearing the beads.

This allows the glaze to be fully set and ensures that the beads are durable and long-lasting.

During the drying period, it is essential to avoid any contact with the beads.

Touching or moving them prematurely can leave fingerprints and smudges on the glaze, affecting the overall appearance.

Instead, find a safe and dry area where the beads can hang undisturbed.

You can use the toothpicks inserted into the prepared box to suspend the beads and allow them to air dry naturally.

Patience is key

While waiting for the beads to dry, exercise patience.

It can be tempting to rush the process, but allowing the proper drying time is crucial for achieving the best results.

The longer you wait, the harder and more durable the glaze will become.

If you’re unsure whether the beads are fully dry, it’s better to err on the side of caution and wait a little longer.

Once the beads are completely dry, they will be ready to use in your jewelry-making projects.

Handle them gently and store them in a safe place to protect their finish.

With proper drying and curing, your paper beads will be transformed into beautiful, glossy pieces that are sure to impress.

Showcasing Your Glazed Paper Beads

Now that your paper beads are beautifully glazed and dry, it’s time to let your creativity shine! With your glazed paper beads, you can create a variety of stunning jewelry pieces that are sure to catch the eye.

From bracelets and necklaces to earrings and pendants, the possibilities are endless.

One idea is to string your glazed paper beads together to create a unique and vibrant bracelet.

Mix and match different colors and sizes to create a striking pattern that reflects your style.

The glossy finish of the beads will add an elegant touch to your wrist and make a bold fashion statement.

For those who prefer necklaces, you can showcase your glazed paper beads by stringing them onto a delicate chain or a sturdy cord.

Experiment with different lengths and arrangements to create a truly one-of-a-kind necklace.

Whether you opt for a simple pendant or a layered look, your glazed paper beads will add a touch of sophistication to any outfit.

If earrings are more your style, consider making a pair using your glazed paper beads.

You can create dangle earrings by attaching the beads to ear wires or make stud earrings by gluing them onto earring posts.

The glossy finish of the beads will catch the light and add a playful element to your overall look.

Embrace the Beauty of Glazed Paper Bead Jewelry

With your glazed paper beads, you have the opportunity to express your creativity and showcase your unique style.

Whether you’re crafting for yourself or creating gifts for loved ones, the vibrant colors and glossy finish of these beads are sure to make a statement.

So, gather your supplies, let your imagination run wild, and enjoy the process of transforming simple paper beads into stunning works of art.


In conclusion, glazing paper beads is a simple and effective technique that can take your jewelry-making to the next level.

By following the steps outlined in this guide and using the recommended materials, you can transform your paper beads into stunning works of art that are durable, shiny, and water-resistant.

Glazed paper beads not only have a beautiful glossy finish, but they also offer added protection against everyday wear and tear.

The glazing process enhances the durability of the beads, making them last longer and preventing damage.

Whether you’re creating bracelets, necklaces, or earrings, incorporating glazed paper beads into your designs will add a touch of elegance and sophistication.

The vibrant colors and glossy appearance of the beads will make your jewelry stand out and catch the eye of everyone who sees it.

So, don’t hesitate to start your glazing journey today.

With a few simple steps, you can turn ordinary paper beads into extraordinary pieces of jewelry that will be admired and cherished for years to come.

Try out different glaze options, experiment with multiple coats, and let your creativity shine through.