How to Display Table Runners at Craft Show

How to Display Table Runners at Craft Show?

When participating in a craft show, it’s crucial to create an appealing display for your table runners.

Attracting potential customers and increasing your sales relies on showcasing your table runners in an eye-catching manner.

In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and ideas on how to effectively display your table runners at craft shows.

From creating height and dimension to incorporating color, repetition, and thoughtful arrangement, we will guide you through the process of setting up an attractive booth.

You will also learn how to use lighting, props, and accessories to enhance the visual appeal of your table runner display.

Additionally, we’ll show you how to create an inviting atmosphere that will entice customers to stop and browse your products.

Whether you’re a seasoned craft show participant or a newcomer to the scene, these tips and ideas will help you showcase your table runners in a way that stands out from the competition.

Let’s dive in and discover the secrets to a successful craft show booth setup!

Create Height and Dimension in Your Display

When showcasing your table runners at a craft show, it’s important to create a display that captures attention and stands out from the crowd.

One effective way to achieve this is by adding height and dimension to your booth.

By incorporating different levels, you can create an eye-catching display that allows customers to see the various patterns and designs of your table runners.

Start by using risers or boxes covered in fabric to elevate certain sections of your table.

Place the taller items towards the back and the shorter ones towards the front, creating a layered effect.

This not only adds visual interest but also helps create a sense of depth in your display.

Additionally, consider using props or stands to showcase individual table runners, ensuring that they are at a height that is easy for customers to see and appreciate.

Table Runner Arrangement Techniques:

· Use varying heights to create visual interest

· Arrange table runners in a layered fashion, with taller items towards the back

· Utilize risers, boxes, or stands to elevate individual table runners

· Ensure that all designs are easily visible to customers

By incorporating height and dimension into your booth, you can instantly elevate the visual appeal of your table runner display.

This technique not only showcases your products effectively but also adds a professional touch to your craft show booth.

It allows customers to fully appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship of your table runners, ultimately increasing the likelihood of sales.

Use Color and Repetition to Catch the Eye

When it comes to displaying your table runners at a craft show, incorporating color and repetition into your booth can make a significant impact.

By strategically using a cohesive color scheme and repeating certain elements, you can create a visually appealing display that catches the eye of potential customers.

Start by selecting a color scheme that complements your table runners and represents your brand.

Choose colors that evoke the desired mood or convey the style of your products.

Whether you opt for vibrant and bold hues or soft and subtle tones, make sure to use these colors consistently throughout your booth.

In addition to a unified color palette, repetition is key in capturing attention.

Consider repeating certain elements, such as using the same color tablecloths or props across your display.

This repetition helps create a sense of cohesion and makes your booth and table runners more memorable to visitors.

Table Runner Layout Suggestions:

· Arrange your table runners in a pattern where different colors or designs alternate, creating an eye-catching visual rhythm.

· Group table runners with similar colors or patterns together, creating a focal point that draws customers in.

· Experiment with different folding or draping techniques to showcase the unique features of each table runner.

· Consider organizing your table runners by theme or occasion, making it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for.

By using color and repetition effectively, you can create a visually captivating display that not only grabs attention but also communicates the style and quality of your table runners.

Experiment with different layout arrangements, and don’t be afraid to get creative and think outside the box to make your booth stand out from the crowd.

Consider Line and Composition in Your Display

When it comes to showcasing your table runners at craft shows, it’s crucial to pay attention to line and composition in your display.

These elements can greatly impact the overall effectiveness and visual appeal of your presentation.

1. Use Lines to Guide the Eye

Strategic placement of lines can help guide customers’ attention and create a flow in your booth.

Consider using table runners or banners with bold or diagonal patterns to create dynamic lines that lead the eye toward your products.

This technique can draw in customers and make your display more visually engaging.

1. Arrange Your Runners with Composition in Mind

Composition is key when arranging your table runners.

Place larger or more eye-catching designs in prominent positions to instantly grab attention.

Opt for a balanced arrangement by alternating colors, patterns, and sizes throughout your display.

This will create a visually pleasing composition that allows customers to easily scan and appreciate your entire collection.

1. Don’t Overcrowd Your Display

While it may be tempting to showcase as many table runners as possible, overcrowding your display can overwhelm customers and make it difficult for them to focus on individual products.

Instead, opt for a curated selection that highlights your best and most representative pieces.

This will create a cleaner and more impactful presentation, making it easier for customers to make purchasing decisions.

By considering line and composition in your display, you can create a visually appealing and effective presentation for your table runners at craft shows.

Use lines to guide the eye, arrange your runners with composition in mind, and avoid overcrowding your display.

These strategies will help you showcase your products in a way that draws attention and increases the chances of making sales.

Use Lighting to Highlight Your Table Runners

One of the key elements in creating an eye-catching display for your table runners at a craft show is lighting.

Proper lighting can help highlight the beauty and intricate details of your products, attracting the attention of potential customers.

Consider incorporating the following lighting techniques to enhance your table runner display:

1. Brighten up your booth

Ensure that your booth is well-lit to create a welcoming and inviting atmosphere.

Use overhead lights or track lighting to illuminate your entire display area.

This will help draw attention to your table runners and make them stand out.

Avoid using harsh or dim lighting that may distort the colors and patterns of your products.

1. Add spotlighting

Consider adding individual spotlights or task lamps to highlight specific table runners.

This can help draw attention to unique designs or intricate details that you want to showcase.

Position the spotlights strategically to create focal points within your display area, guiding the customers’ eyes toward your table runners.

1. Experiment with colored lighting

For a more creative and dramatic effect, consider using colored lighting to enhance your table runner display.

Colored gels or LED lights can add a vibrant and captivating element to your booth, creating a visually appealing ambiance.

Experiment with different colors that complement your table runners and reflect the overall theme and aesthetic of your brand.

By utilizing proper lighting techniques, you can create a visually stunning display that showcases the beauty and craftsmanship of your table runners.

Brightening up your booth, adding spotlighting, and experimenting with colored lighting can help attract the attention of passersby and entice them to explore your products further.

Add Props and Accessories to Enhance Your Display

When it comes to showcasing your table runners at a craft show, adding props and accessories to your display can make a significant difference.

These elements not only enhance the visual appeal of your booth but also help potential customers envision how your table runners can be used in their own homes.

One effective way to incorporate props is by including complementary items such as table settings or decorative elements.

For example, you can arrange plates, napkins, and cutlery on a beautifully set table to create a stunning visual that showcases your table runners in a practical context.

This allows customers to imagine how your products can add a touch of elegance and style to their dining experiences.

Furthermore, consider adding accessories that complement your table runners.

This could include items like coordinating pillows, centerpieces, or decorative accents that enhance the overall look of your display.

By carefully selecting accessories that align with your brand and the style of your table runners, you create a cohesive and visually appealing presentation that captures the attention of potential buyers.

Benefits of Adding Props and Accessories:

· Enhance the visual appeal and attractiveness of your booth

· Help customers visualize how your table runners can be used in their own homes

· Create a cohesive and coordinated display with complementary items

· Showcase your products in a practical context, making them more relatable

· Highlight the versatility and potential of your table runners

Remember, the goal of adding props and accessories is to enhance your display without overwhelming or distracting your table runners.

Strike a balance between showcasing your products and creating an inviting atmosphere that resonates with your target audience.

With the right props and accessories, you can create a visually compelling booth that stands out from the competition and attracts potential customers.

Create an Inviting and Welcoming Atmosphere

When setting up your craft show booth, it’s important to create an inviting and welcoming atmosphere that will attract customers to your table runners.

By incorporating these craft show display ideas into your booth setup, you can create a warm and friendly environment that entices customers to stop and browse.

Tablecloth and Branding

Start by choosing a tablecloth that matches your brand and style.

A cohesive and well-designed tablecloth will instantly elevate the look of your booth and make it more visually appealing.

Consider using your brand’s colors or patterns to create a memorable and professional display.

Clear Signage and Logo

Ensure that your business name and logo are displayed in your booth.

Use a banner or signage that is easy to read from a distance.

This will help customers identify your booth and remember your brand.

A professional and well-designed logo will add credibility to your display.

Create a Welcoming Atmosphere

Make your booth feel comfortable and inviting by adding personal touches.

Consider incorporating elements such as cozy seating areas, scented candles, or fresh flowers.

These small details will create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that encourages customers to spend more time at your booth.

Engage with Customers

Lastly, don’t forget to engage with customers as they approach your booth.

Greet them with a friendly smile, offer assistance, and be knowledgeable about your products.

Building a personal connection with customers can greatly increase the chances of them making a purchase or recommending your table runners to others.

By creating an inviting and welcoming atmosphere in your craft show booth, you can make a lasting impression on customers and increase your sales.

Remember to pay attention to details such as tablecloth and branding, clear signage and logo, and engaging with customers.

These craft show display ideas will help you stand out from the competition and create a memorable experience for potential buyers.


When it comes to showcasing your table runners at craft shows, a well-planned and attractive display can make all the difference.

By implementing these craft show booth setup tips and craft show display ideas, you can effectively present your table runners and increase your chances of making sales.

Creating height and dimension in your display is crucial.

Utilize risers or boxes covered in fabric to add different levels to your table, allowing customers to easily see the patterns and designs of your table runners.

Additionally, incorporating color and repetition can catch the eye and create a visually appealing display.

Consistently use a complementary color scheme throughout your booth and repeat certain elements, such as tablecloth colors or props, to create a cohesive look.

Consider the line and composition of your booth to guide the customer’s eye and draw attention to your table runners.

Arrange them in a visually pleasing manner, strategically placing larger or eye-catching designs.

Lighting also plays a vital role in highlighting your products.

Bright lighting can make your table runners shine, so consider adding extra lights or task lamps to accentuate specific details.

Finally, don’t forget to enhance your display with props and accessories.

By adding complementary items and showcasing how your table runners can be used, you help customers visualize the product in their own homes.

Creating an inviting and welcoming atmosphere, complete with a branded tablecloth and clear signage, will further entice customers to stop and browse.

By implementing these craft show booth setup tips, craft show display ideas, and effectively presenting your table runners, you’ll be sure to stand out and make an impact at craft shows, ultimately increasing your sales and growing your business.


How should I display my table runners at a craft show?

To create an attractive display for your table runners, consider adding height and dimension to your booth using risers or fabric-covered boxes.

Incorporate color and repetition, and think about the flow and composition of your booth.

Proper lighting, props, and accessories can also enhance your display.

Lastly, make your booth inviting and welcoming to attract customers.

What are some table runner display ideas?

You can create height and dimension by using risers or fabric-covered boxes.

Incorporating color and repetition in your booth can help it stand out.

Considering line and composition can ensure a visually pleasing display.

Lighting can highlight your table runners, and props and accessories can enhance your display.

How can I effectively showcase my table runners at a craft show?

To effectively showcase your table runners, it’s important to create height and dimension in your display, use color and repetition, consider line and composition, use lighting to highlight your products and add props and accessories.

Creating an inviting and welcoming atmosphere is also important to attract customers.

What are some craft show booth lighting tips?

Consider adding extra lights or using task lamps to highlight specific designs or details of your table runners.

Proper lighting will make your booth more inviting and help customers see the beauty of your products.

How can props and accessories enhance my table runner display?

By adding complementary items, such as table settings or decorative elements, you can give customers an idea of how your table runners can be used.

This will help them visualize the product in their own homes and increase the likelihood of a purchase.

What can I do to create an inviting and welcoming atmosphere in my booth?

Use a tablecloth that matches your brand and style, and have clear signage or banner with your business name and logo.

Create a warm and friendly atmosphere that will entice customers to stop and browse your table runners.