How to Display Hair Bows at Craft Fair

How to Display Hair Bows at Craft Fair?

Welcome to our article on how to display hair bows at craft fairs! If you’re looking for creative ways to showcase your beautiful hair bows and attract customers, you’ve come to the right place.

In this section, we’ll share some insightful tips on craft fair hair bow displays that will help you stand out from the crowd.

When it comes to displaying hair bows at craft fairs, you want to ensure they are presented in a neat and accessible manner.

One creative idea is to use a wired photo grid, where you can store and display your bows with ease.

Another option is to make a DIY bow wreath, which not only serves as decor but also provides storage for your bows.

Additionally, tiered baskets are a popular choice, allowing you to showcase the bows on the outside while storing other items inside.

Stay tuned for the upcoming sections, where we’ll discuss more creative hair bow booth ideas, DIY hair bow displays, best practices for displaying hair bows at craft fairs, hair bow storage and organization, attractive displays for craft shows, and maximizing visibility and sales with effective display methods.

Let’s make your hair bow display a showstopper!

Creative Hair Bow Booth Ideas

When setting up your hair bow booth at a craft fair, it’s important to think outside the box and incorporate creative elements that will attract attention.

These ideas will help you create an eye-catching display that appealingly showcases your hair bows.

1. Mirror and Styrofoam Mannequin Heads

An effective way to showcase your hair bows is by using a mirror and styrofoam mannequin heads.

Position the mirror at an angle that reflects the bows, and place the mannequin heads on the table or shelf in front of it.

This creates a visually appealing setup that allows customers to see how the bows look when worn.

1. Clips on a Hanger

Another creative idea is to use clips on a hanger to hold some of your hair bows.

Simply attach the bows to the clips and hang them on a decorative hanger.

This not only adds visual interest to your booth but also makes it easy for customers to browse through the different bow styles.

1. Plastic Bins, Bowls, and Risers

Utilizing plastic bins, bowls, and risers can help you create an organized and visually appealing display.

Place the bins and bowls on your table and arrange the bows in them by color or style.

Use risers to elevate some of the bows, adding dimension and making them more visible to customers.

By incorporating these creative hair bow booth ideas into your craft fair setup, you can attract more attention and increase the chances of making sales.

Experiment with different display methods and find what works best for your brand and product offerings.

DIY Hair Bow Display

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can create your own DIY hair bow display.

This allows you to customize the design and uniquely showcase your bows.

One popular option is to create a bow wreath using a foam or wire base.

Simply attach your hair bows to the wreath using hot glue or ribbon, and hang it on a wall or display stand.

This not only showcases your bows beautifully but also serves as a decorative piece.

Another DIY idea is to use fabric or felt to create a hair bow display board.

Cut a piece of fabric or felt into a desired shape, such as a rectangle or a bow shape, and attach it to a sturdy backing.

You can then use clips or ribbons to attach the hair bows to the board, creating an organized and visually appealing display.

If you’re feeling more adventurous, you can even repurpose household items to create a unique hair bow display.

For example, you can use an old picture frame and attach ribbons or string across it to hold the bows.

You can also use a decorative ladder, hanging the bows from each rung.

Get creative with your materials and think outside the box to come up with a display that reflects your style and showcases your hair bows effectively.

Key Points:

· Consider creating a DIY hair bow wreath using a foam or wire base.

· Utilize fabric or felt to make a hair bow display board.

· Repurpose household items like picture frames or ladders for unique displays.

Best Practices for Displaying Hair Bows at Craft Fair

When it comes to displaying hair bows at a craft fair, following best practices can make a significant difference in attracting customers and increasing sales.

Here are some tips to help you create an appealing and organized display:

1. Organize by color or style: Grouping your hair bows by color or style makes it easier for customers to browse and find what they’re looking for.

It also adds visual appeal to your display, creating an eye-catching arrangement.

2. Use signage or labels: Clear signage or labels can help customers easily identify the prices, sizes, or styles of their hair bows.

Make sure the signage is legible and placed strategically throughout your display.

3. Maintain cleanliness: Keeping your booth space clean and tidy is crucial for creating a positive impression on customers.

Regularly dust off surfaces, organize loose bows, and keep the area clutter-free to showcase your hair bows at their best.

4. Regularly restock and rearrange: As customers browse and purchase your hair bows, make sure to restock and rearrange your display throughout the day.

This keeps your booth looking fresh and inviting, encouraging customers to continue exploring your collection.

By implementing these best practices, you’ll create an attractive and organized hair bow display that captivates customers and drives sales at craft fairs.

Hair Bow Storage and Organization for Craft Fairs

Proper storage and organization are essential for keeping your hair bows in excellent condition and easily accessible during a craft fair.

Implementing effective strategies will not only help you maintain a tidy booth but also provide a seamless experience for customers.

Here are some tips on hair bow storage and organization for craft fairs:

Categorize Your Bows

When preparing for a craft fair, categorizing your hair bows can make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.

Consider organizing them by color, size, or style.

You can use labeled bins, dividers, or even small shelves to keep the bows neatly arranged.

Categorizing your bows not only enhances the overall aesthetics of your booth but also makes restocking a breeze.

Utilize Storage Solutions

Investing in practical storage solutions can help maximize space and keep your hair bows secure.

The wired photo grid mentioned earlier in this article is an excellent option for both storage and display.

Additionally, consider using tiered baskets or clear boxes to store and showcase your bows.

These options allow you to keep your inventory organized while still making it visually appealing for customers to browse.

Label and Package Your Bows

Labeling your hair bows with prices or other relevant information can save time during transactions and provide clarity to customers.

Use small tags or stickers and attach them to each bow or place them in front of the category they belong to.

Moreover, having a designated space for packaging or bagging your bows will ensure a smooth checkout process.

This can include using small bags, tissue paper, or branded packaging to give your customers a professional and memorable experience.

By implementing proper storage and organization techniques for your hair bows at craft fairs, you can create a visually appealing and efficient booth that attracts customers.

Categorizing your bows, utilizing storage solutions, and labeling your inventory will help streamline the setup, restocking, and sales processes.

Remember to always maintain a clean and tidy booth space to leave a lasting impression on potential buyers.

Attractive Hair Bow Displays for Craft Shows

When it comes to showcasing your hair bows at craft shows, it’s important to create attractive displays that catch the eye of potential customers.

Utilizing visually appealing elements and clever presentation techniques can help draw people in and increase the chances of making a sale.

Create a Theme

An effective way to make your hair bow display stand out is by incorporating a theme that aligns with your brand or the event.

For example, if you specialize in bohemian-style bows, consider using a backdrop with bohemian patterns or natural elements like flowers and feathers.

This not only enhances the visual appeal but also helps customers connect with your brand and products.

Use Props

Another tactic to make your displays more enticing is by using props that complement the hair bows.

These can include items such as ribbons, jewelry, or other accessories that pair well with the bows.

For instance, if you offer hair bows for special occasions, you can showcase them alongside matching earrings or necklaces.

By creating beautiful ensemble displays, you demonstrate the versatility and potential of your products.

Highlight Unique Features

If your hair bows have unique or standout features, make sure to highlight them in your display.

Whether it’s intricate detailing, vibrant colors, or unconventional shapes, draw attention to these characteristics using signage or labels.

This will pique curiosity and encourage customers to explore your collection further.

Maximizing Visibility and Sales with Effective Display Methods

When it comes to showcasing your hair bows at a craft fair, the right display methods can make all the difference in maximizing visibility and increasing sales.

By choosing creative and effective ways to present your bows, you can capture the attention of potential customers and entice them to explore your booth.

Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Create a visually appealing setup: An attractive display will draw people in and make them curious about your hair bows.

Use props, such as mirrors, mannequin heads, or themed backgrounds, to create an eye-catching setup that stands out from the crowd.

2. Organize your bows for easy browsing: Make it easy for customers to explore your selection by organizing your bows in a logical and aesthetically pleasing way.

Consider grouping them by color, style, or occasion, and use clear signage or labels to guide customers to what they’re looking for.

3. Regularly refresh and restock your display: Keep your booth looking fresh and inviting by regularly rearranging and restocking your display throughout the event.

This will ensure that customers always have something new to see and increase the likelihood of making a sale.

Remember, effective display methods go beyond just showcasing your hair bows.

They create an experience that captures the attention of passersby and entices them to engage with your products.

By implementing these strategies, you can make your booth a magnet for customers and increase your chances of success at the craft fair.


Properly displaying hair bows at a craft fair is essential for catching the attention of potential customers and increasing sales.

By utilizing creative and effective display methods, such as a wired photo grid, DIY bow wreaths, or tiered baskets, you can showcase your hair bows in an organized and visually appealing way.

Remember to consider best practices for setup and organization, such as organizing your bows by color or style, using appropriate signage or labels, and maintaining a clean and tidy booth space.

Regularly restock and rearrange your display throughout the day to keep it fresh and appealing to customers.

Creating attractive displays that maximize visibility is key.

Incorporate elements like mirrors, mannequin heads, or themed backgrounds to create a visually appealing setup.

Additionally, consider including props or other complementary products that pair well with hair bows to showcase their versatility and increase sales.

By following these tips and utilizing these creative display methods, you’ll be able to effectively showcase your hair bows at craft fairs and attract the attention of potential customers, ultimately increasing your sales and success.


What are some creative ways to display hair bows at a craft fair?

Some creative ways to display hair bows at a craft fair include using a wired photo grid, creating a DIY bow wreath, or utilizing tiered baskets.

How can I set up my hair bow booth to attract attention?

To attract attention to your hair bow booth, you can use a mirror and styrofoam mannequin heads, clips on a hanger, or plastic bins, bowls, and risers to create an organized and visually appealing display.

Is it possible to create my own DIY hair bow display?

Yes, you can create your DIY hair bow display by making a bow wreath or getting crafty with materials such as felt or fabric.

The key is to find a display method that suits your style and effectively showcases your bows.

Are there any best practices for displaying hair bows at a craft fair?

Yes, some best practices for displaying hair bows at a craft fair include organizing bows by color or style, using appropriate signage or labels, and keeping the booth space clean and tidy.

It’s also important to regularly restock and rearrange the display to keep it fresh and appealing.

How should I store and organize my hair bows for a craft fair?

For proper storage and organization of hair bows at a craft fair, you can use solutions such as wired photo grids, tiered baskets, or small shelves.

Labeling or categorizing the bows can also help streamline the setup and restocking process.

It’s also essential to have a designated space for packaging or bagging the bows.

How can I create attractive hair bow displays for craft shows?

To create attractive hair bow displays for craft shows, you can utilize elements such as mirrors, mannequin heads, or themed backgrounds.

Incorporating props or complementary products that pair well with hair bows can also help showcase their versatility and increase sales.

How can I maximize visibility and sales with effective display methods?

To maximize visibility and sales with effective display methods, it’s important to create visually appealing setups, organize bows in an easy-to-browse manner, and regularly refresh and restock the display.

These efforts will help capture the attention of potential customers and attract them to your booth.