DIY Terrarium Ideas for Green Enthusiasts

5 Whimsical DIY Terrarium Ideas for Green Enthusiasts

If you are looking for a fun and creative way to bring a touch of greenery into your living space, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, I am excited to share with you five DIY terrarium ideas that will not only satisfy your inner green enthusiast but also add some whimsical charm to your decor.

Creating your terrarium is an enjoyable and easy DIY project that requires minimal effort and gardening knowledge.

With a bit of creativity and some essential supplies, you can make a delightful mini garden that will bring a breath of fresh air to your home or office.

Whether you prefer a desert landscape, a tropical paradise, or a fairy garden, there’s a terrarium out there for everyone.

So, let’s get our hands dirty and start exploring the wonderful world of DIY terrarium ideas for green enthusiasts!

What is a Terrarium?

Before we jump into the fun DIY ideas, let’s start with the basics.

terrarium is essentially a mini ecosystem made in a glass container.

The enclosed environment creates a humid climate that allows plants to grow with minimal maintenance.

Think of it like a self-sustainable garden that you can enjoy indoors.

Terrariums are great for those who love plants but don’t have the time or space for a conventional garden.

Plus, they make beautiful and unique home decor.

Fun fact: The word terrarium comes from the Latin word “terra,” meaning “earth.”

Choosing the Right Container for Your Terrarium

When it comes to selecting a container for your terrarium, there are several options to choose from.

You can use a glass bowl, jar, vase, or even a light bulb! The key is to find a container that is clear and has a wide opening to allow for proper air circulation.

If you’re going for a minimalist look, a simple glass container is your best bet.

For a more rustic feel, you might consider a metal container or a mason jar.

Be creative and pick something that speaks to your style.

Another important factor to consider is the size of your container.

It should be large enough to fit all of your plants comfortably, but not so big that it looks empty.

Keep in mind that terrariums are meant to be small, enclosed gardens, so don’t go overboard with the size.

Tips for Selecting the Right Container

· Pick a clear container to showcase the plants inside.

· Choose a container with a wide enough opening for proper air circulation.

· Consider your style and choose a container that fits it.

· Make sure the size of the container is appropriate for your plants and not too large.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to choose the perfect container for your DIY terrarium project.

Selecting the Perfect Plants for Your Terrarium

Choosing the right plants for your terrarium is essential for creating a beautiful and thriving mini ecosystem.

When selecting plants, it’s important to consider their size, growth habits, and environmental requirements, taking into account the fact that they will be growing in an enclosed space.

Some of my favorite plants for terrariums include:

· Ferns: These leafy plants thrive in humid environments and can help create a lush, tropical feel in your terrarium.

· Succulents: These hardy plants do well in arid terrariums and require minimal watering.

· Moss: Moss is an excellent ground cover and can add texture and depth to your terrarium.

· Air Plants: These plants don’t require soil to grow, making them perfect for terrariums with a shallow base.

· Carnivorous Plants: If you’re feeling adventurous, consider adding a Venus flytrap or pitcher plant to your terrarium.

When arranging your plants, make sure to place taller plants towards the back and shorter plants towards the front for a visually appealing display.

You can also consider using different colors and textures of plants to create a unique and eye-catching terrarium.

DIY Terrarium Themes and Styles

Creating a terrarium is an exciting opportunity to showcase your creativity and style.

By choosing a theme or style that resonates with you, you can make your terrarium unique and reflective of your taste.

Here are some DIY terrarium themes and styles that you can explore:

Desert Terrarium

A desert-themed terrarium is perfect for those who love a minimalist and rustic vibe.

To create this theme, start with a sandy base and add cacti, succulents, and other desert plants.

You can also incorporate rocks and sandstone to give it an authentic Southwestern feel.

Tropical Terrarium

A tropical-themed terrarium can make you feel like you are on a relaxing island getaway.

For this theme, use ferns, mosses, and other tropical plants.

You can even add colorful flowers, miniature palm trees, and a small water feature to mimic a rainforest environment.

Fairy Garden Terrarium

A fairy garden theme terrarium is perfect for those who have a whimsical spirit and love all things mystical and magical.

Add miniature figurines of fairies, gnomes, and other magical creatures to create a scene straight out of a fairy tale.

You can also use delicate flowers and plants to give it a dreamy and enchanted feel.

Beach Terrarium

A beach-themed terrarium is perfect for those who love a coastal and nautical vibe.

Use sand, seashells, and driftwood to create a beach-like environment.

For plants, incorporate seaweed, succulents, and air plants to complete the coastal look.

These are just a few of the endless DIY terrarium themes and styles that you can try.

Get creative and let your imagination run wild!

Essential Tools and Supplies for Terrarium Making

If you’re ready to create your DIY terrarium, you’ll need to gather some essential tools and supplies.

Here’s a list of what you’ll need:


· Scissors or pruning shears

· A long-handled spoon or spatula

· A small brush or tongs for positioning plants


· Glass container – choose a container that complements your decor and the size you want.

· Potting mix – the best type of potting mix for a terrarium allows for good drainage and aeration, which is more suited to succulents and cacti.

· Activated charcoal – this helps purify the air and remove toxins from the soil.

· Small rocks and pebbles – these provide excellent drainage to keep the terrarium from becoming soggy.

· Moss – used as a substrate to help your plants keep their moisture levels.

Tip: You can buy most of these supplies at your local gardening store, but don’t be afraid to get creative and use unique materials to make a one-of-a-kind terrarium.

With these tools and supplies, you’re ready to get started on your DIY terrarium project!

Caring for Your Terrarium

After creating your DIY terrarium, it’s crucial to know how to care for it to ensure the plants thrive.

Here are some tips:


Water your terrarium sparingly, about once a week, or when the soil feels dry to the touch.

Avoid overwatering, as excess moisture can cause root rot and destroy your plants.

Use a spray bottle or watering can with a narrow spout to prevent water from splashing onto the leaves.


Most terrarium plants prefer bright, indirect light.

Avoid placing your terrarium in direct sun, as this can scorch the plants.

If your terrarium is not receiving enough light, you can supplement it with a grow light or fluorescent bulb.

Temperature and Humidity

Most terrarium plants prefer warm, humid environments.

Keep your terrarium away from cold drafts or extreme temperatures.

If you live in a dry climate, you can increase the humidity by misting your terrarium with water or placing a humidity tray underneath it.

Trimming and Maintenance

Regularly trim any dead or yellow leaves to prevent them from spreading disease to other plants.

You can also use a pair of scissors to trim overgrown stems or shape your plants.

It’s also a good idea to remove any fallen leaves or debris from the soil to keep your terrarium clean.


In conclusion, creating DIY terrariums is an excellent way to add a touch of nature to your space while showcasing your love for all things green.

By following the ideas and tips I provided, you can create whimsical terrariums that suit your preferences, style, and personality.

Remember, selecting the right container and plants is vital, and getting creative with themes and styles makes your terrarium unique.

Also, make sure to equip yourself with essential tools and supplies and care for your terrarium by providing it with adequate lighting and watering.

I hope you enjoyed this article and are ready to embark on your DIY terrarium-making journey.

So, get your hands dirty and have fun creating beautiful and sustainable terrariums that will inspire and delight you for years to come!

FAQ About DIY Terrarium

What are some popular DIY terrarium ideas?

Some popular DIY terrarium ideas include a moss terrarium, a succulent terrarium, a beach-themed terrarium, a woodland-themed terrarium, and a hanging terrarium.

How do I create a terrarium?

To create a terrarium, you will need a glass container, rocks or pebbles for drainage, activated charcoal to keep the terrarium fresh, potting soil, and plants.

Follow these steps:

1. Add a layer of rocks or pebbles for drainage.

2. Add a thin layer of activated charcoal.

3. Add potting soil.

4. Plant your chosen plants.

5. Decorate with additional elements if desired.

6. Water lightly and place in an appropriate location.

What types of plants are suitable for terrariums?

Plants that are suitable for terrariums are those that thrive in humid environments and require minimal care.

Some popular choices include ferns, air plants, moss, succulents, and tropical plants.

Can I use any type of container for a terrarium?

While you can get creative with container choices, it’s important to consider the needs of the plants.

Most terrariums are made in glass containers that provide good visibility and allow for proper airflow.

However, you can also use jars, vases, or even repurpose old fish tanks or glass bottles as long as they are clean, transparent, and have a lid or opening for maintenance.

How often should I water my terrarium?

The frequency of watering your terrarium depends on several factors such as the type of plants, the size of the container, and the environment.

In general, terrariums require less water compared to potted plants.

It is best to monitor the soil moisture and only water when the soil feels dry to the touch.

Do terrariums require sunlight?

While terrariums do require some amount of sunlight, it’s important to avoid placing them in direct sunlight as it can create a greenhouse effect and cause the temperature inside the terrarium to rise excessively.

Indirect or filtered sunlight is usually sufficient for most terrarium plants.

Can I add decorative elements to my terrarium?

Yes, adding decorative elements such as small figurines, pebbles, or dried flowers can enhance the visual appeal of your terrarium.

Just make sure the elements you choose are safe for the plants and won’t interfere with their growth or maintenance.